HE IPv6 考试通过攻略

2022年8月17日 1424点热度 0人点赞 0条评论

HE IPv6 考试通过攻略




要取得HE的IPv6 Sage认证,就需要准备好域名+IPv6机器,以及RDNS部署好,看不懂英文和没耐心的请绕路.

登录认证网址:https://ipv6.he.net/certification/login.php (HE账户是处处通用的!)



  • 双栈VPS (IPv4 + IPv6) + RDNS 支持
  • 域名 + DNS IPv6 支持
  • SSL - 可由Certbot配置
  • Nginx Web 或者同类软件
  • 需要在你服务器搭建一个域名+iPv6的邮箱,没有的情况下可以使用GMail,建议实际搭建测试下。下面以使用Gmail为例


HE IPv6 考试通过攻略


HE IPv6 考试通过攻略

接着填写你托管在Google Workspace等的邮箱地址,当然免费邮箱和国内大多数邮箱都过不了,然后把得到的代码填进去就行。

HE IPv6 考试通过攻略


HE IPv6 考试通过攻略





问题:How many bits are in an IPv6 address?

问题:Which of the following choices is a valid IPv6 address?

问题:How many /64 subnets are available in a /48 prefix?

问题:How many available IPv6 addresses are there in a /64 allocation?

问题:What operating systems currently support IPv6?
答案:All of the these support IPv6

问题:What features of IPv6 do you see yourself using?
答案:Larger Address Space

问题:If you were setting up a network of 12 million hosts that all needed their own unique globally routable addresses, which protocol would you use?
Question 3

问题:Do you plan on making sure your workplace is IPv6 ready before IPv4 exhaustion?

问题:Do you think that any of your co-workers or friends would find Hurricane Electric's IPv6 certification useful?
答案:Very much

问题:Do you think you would benefit from using Hurricane Electric's free IPv6 certification process at work?
答案:Very much

问题:Are you enjoying the Hurricane Electric IPv6 certification process?
答案:Very much

问题:Did you like this level in the Hurricane Electric IPv6 certification process?

问题:Is the price right for the Hurricane Electric free IPv6 certification process?
答案:A great bargain

问题:Does the network equipment you currently use support IPv6?

问题:With regards to the server configuration portion, what level of difficulty would you rate it?

问题:Hurricane Electric would like to make sure you are completely happy with our free IPv6 certification process. Please rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5; 5 being completely satisfied, 1 being completely unsatisfied.
答案:5 - Completely Satisfied

问题:Have you asked your provider about when they plan on supporting IPv6?

问题:Do you think that Internet oriented companies (software, hardware, or service providers) need to be IPv6 ready before IPv4 exhaustion?

问题:Do you feel like you learned (or refreshed) your knowledge by completing the Hurricane Electric IPv6 certification process?
答案:Very much

问题:Are you able to understand the material?

问题:Do you feel good about the Hurricane Electric free IPv6 certification process?

问题:Have you asked your domain name registrar if they support IPv6?

问题:You request IPv6 glue for your nameservers through:
答案:The registrar of the domain used by your name servers

问题:IPv6 glue for nameservers resides on which nameservers?
答案:The TLD/ccTLDs'

问题:Which of the following queries proves working IPv6 glue?
答案:dig AAAA ns1.exampledomain.tld @tld.server

问题:Which TLD listed below is authoritative for .com & .net IPv6 Glue?

问题:What is another name sometimes used for A or AAAA nameserver glue records found in the top level domain zone files?
答案:host records

问题:What is a registrar?
答案:An organization that is able to register domains

问题:What is a registry?
答案:An organization responsible for operating the authorative nameservers and database for a top level domain

问题:Why does getting AAAA records for your nameservers in the corresponding TLD (top level domain) zone matter?
答案:It enables entirely native IPv6 DNS queries and makes it possible for IPv6 only hosts to reach the nameservers for your domain, since they can't use glue that is just an A record.

问题:IPv6 AAAA records have been added for several of the root nameservers.

问题:What command do you use to ping an IPv6 address on Free Open Source UNIX platforms such as Linux, FreeBSD, etc?

问题:What command do you use to traceroute to an IPv6 address on Free Open Source UNIX platforms such as Linux, FreeBSD, etc?

问题:What command do you use to ping an IPv6 address on a Microsoft Windows platform?

问题:What command do you use to traceroute to an IPv6 address on a Microsoft Windows platform?

问题:IPv6 addresses are written using what number base?
答案:hexadecimal (base 16)

问题:Hexadecimal digits are represented by:
答案:0 to 9 and A to F

问题:On Redhat, CentOS, and Fedora Core systems that don't accept ::/0 as the IPv6 default route, which of the following should you use instead?

问题:When configuring forward DNS entries for use with an IPv6 address, what record type do you use?

问题:When configuring reverse DNS with BIND for addresses in the IPv6 allocation 2001:A:B:C::/64, what is the correct format for the zone?

问题:What is the IPv6 default route?

问题:What is the IPv6 localhost address?

问题:Which of the following is a link-local address?

问题:Which of the following URLs specifies a literal IPv6 address correctly?

问题:Which of the following URLs specifies a literal IPv6 address and port number correctly?

问题:If you run native IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time this is called:
答案:Dual stack

问题:How do you use the dig command to get the IPv6 address record for domain he.net?
答案:dig he.net AAAA

问题:How do you use the dig command to get the PTR record for the IPv6 address 2001:470:0:76::2?
答案:dig -x 2001:470:0:76::2

问题:What command shows IPv6 addresses configured on ethernet interfaces under UNIX (Linux, FreeBSD, etc.)?

问题:What command shows IPv6 addresses configured on ethernet interfaces under Microsoft Windows?

问题:Under FreeBSD, what does the generic tunneling interface start with?

问题:Under Linux, what kernel module needs to be loaded to support IPv6 networking?

问题:Are routers allowed to fragment IPv6 packets?

问题:How many bytes are in an IPv6 address?

问题:How many /48 subnets are available in a /32 prefix?

问题:Which protocol is used for manually configured tunnels?

问题:Which of the following is the IPv6 documentation prefix?

问题:Which of the following is the IPv6 link-local prefix?

问题:Which of the following is the IPv6 multicast prefix?

问题:Which of the following is the IPv6 ULA (unique local addresses) prefix?

问题:Which of the following is a subnet of 2001:db8::/32?

问题:On Linux, how would you traceroute to the IPv6 address of he.net?
答案:traceroute6 he.net

问题:On Windows Vista, how would you traceroute to the IPv6 address of he.net?
答案:tracert he.net

问题:On Linux, what is the IPv6 ping command?

问题:Which command forces the UNIX command ssh to use IPv6 to connect to example.com (useful for domains with both A and AAAA records)?
答案:ssh -6 example.com

问题:You would force the UNIX command ssh to use IPv4 (useful if it had both A and AAAA records) to connect to example.com using which command?
答案:ssh -4 example.com

问题:Which command forces the UNIX command wget to use IPv6 to make a HTTP GET request to he.net (useful for domains with both A and AAAA records)?
答案:wget -6 he.net

问题:Which command forces the UNIX command wget to use IPv4 to make a HTTP GET request to he.net (useful for domains with both A and AAAA records)?
答案:wget -4 he.net

问题:Which command forces the UNIX command mtr to use IPv6 to traceroute to he.net (useful for domains with both A and AAAA records)?
答案:mtr -6 he.net

问题:Which command forces the UNIX command mtr to use IPv4 to traceroute to he.net (useful for domains with both A and AAAA records)?
答案:mtr -4 he.net

问题:When using basic auto-configuration, what is used from the host to configure the last 64bits of the IPv6 address?
答案:The MAC address of the ethernet interface

问题:A MAC address is only 48bits. So when using basic auto-configuration, what is used to fill in the missing 16bits?

问题:On many routers, which one of the following commands is used to configure an IPv6 address on an interface?
答案:ipv6 address 2001:A:B:C::1/64

问题:What is the length of an IPv6 packet header?
答案:40 bytes

问题:Which of the following organizations assigns IPv6 addresses?
答案:All of the above

问题:What protocol number is used for 6in4 IPv4 packets?

问题:Which of the following is the 6to4 IPv6 prefix?

问题:Which of the following well-known prefixes is used for Teredo?

问题:Which of the following is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address?

问题:On operating systems that support it, IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are used to:
答案:map IPv4 addresses to an IPv6 address to make it so that IPv6 socket system calls can be used with both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses

问题:Which of the following is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address?

问题:IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses are deprecated in RFC 4291.

问题:Should you ever see packets with IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses on the wire (outside of a host)?

问题:Which version of OSPF supports IPv6?

问题:Which of the following can be used by an IPv6 host to learn the address of a default gateway?
答案:neighbor discovery protocol

问题:Which of the following can be used by a host to learn its own IPv6 address?
答案:stateless autoconfiguration

问题:If you translate IPv4 packets to IPv6 or IPv6 packets to IPv4, this is called:

问题:On many routers, what command shows IPv6 routes?
答案:show ipv6 route

问题:On many routers, what command shows IPv6 BGP sessions?
答案:show ipv6 bgp summary

问题:On many routers, what command shows IPv6 BGP routes?
答案:sh ipv6 bgp




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